Canalside homes for sale in France, December 2023

Today I'd like to share some bargain canalside properties in France, all of which are under €80,000!

Canalside homes for sale in France, December 2023
Canal de l'Est (Branche Sud), near Fontenoy-le-Château

Today I'd like to share half a dozen bargain canalside properties in France. Prices are correct at time of posting, all under €80,000! Please note that I have included photos without direct permission from the agents, but in good faith. I do not earn a commission from any resulting referrals or sales.

Canal Lateral a la Loire

Marseilles-lès-Aubigny (18320) - 20,000 €

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Canal de l'Est (Branche Sud)

Fontenoy-le-Château (88240) - 35,000 €

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Canal de l'Oise à l'Aisne

Abbecourt (02300) - 44,000 €

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Canal de dérivation de Bernieres a Conflans

East of Marnay sur Seine between the railway and the canal. 55,500 €.

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Canal de Briare

Rogny-les-Sept-Écluses (89220) - 65,500 €. Sorry, no external shots!

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Canal du Nivernais

Saint-Léger-des-Vignes (58300) - €76,000

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More to come soon!

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